Meandering Streams

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Entering a new chamber, you find a dusty and slightly damaged old notebook and map half buried under some rubble. These materials seem to describe and chart a set of streams.

With some work, you’re able to chart the course of each stream on the map. What feeds this complex of streams?
1. The Notebook
The notebook contains a description of each stream, though a few words are not legible due to the damage. A second author has scribbled a note beneath each description, but those seem alternately irrelevant and garbled.
This is the first of N streams, and they cross N-1 times (I used [illegible] to figure this out).
...sorry, some of this is a garble...
_ _ _ [_] _ _ _
I noticed the banks of this stream were extremely dry. I was surprised by their [illegible].
...fresh and tidy air...
_ _ _ [_] _ _ _
Here we were startled by a wild pig with large tusks. I put up a sign saying “[illegible] [illegible]” as a warning to future explorers.
...seems to be an “orb” web area...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ [_] _ _
The noise of our electronic equipment may be disturbing the wildlife. I asked the crew to [illegible] it all.
...messy notes; edit at cave...
_ _ _ [_] _ _ _ _ _ _
This stream is positively bursting with Ranidae. It’s the [illegible] stream I’ve ever seen. time I’ll get a forest gig...
_ _ _ _ [_] _ _ _ _
Alongside this stream is the ruins of a [illegible], once used to store wheat or oats. small jaguar and Gary ran...
_ _ _ _ [_] _ _
Here two of my crew almost got stuck in quicksand; I had to [illegible] [illegible] escape.
...don’t forget to measure the PH, Mel...
_ _ [_] _ _ _ _ _
This stream is beautiful; I think it was [illegible] [illegible] of all of them. this really the remains of a moat? Verify...
_ _ [_] _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A steep climb to reach the start of this stream. My crew was carrying a lot of equipment and I had to remind them not to [illegible] themselves.
...righto, mind the vortex ‘ere...
_ _ _ _ [_] _ _ _ _
I was surprised by the [illegible] of vegetation around this stream; I only saw an occasional bush.
...join the party, sis...
_ _ _ _ [_] _ _ _
This area was more of a bog than a stream, though it was full of freshwater fish; I call it the “[illegible] [illegible]”
...blindly trust map? Ow!...
_ _ _ [_] _ _ _ _ _ _
Considering the entries from a different perspective, they might very well signal some information that would help chart the course of those streams:

_ _ _  _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _
2. The Map
The map also seems to include some helpful information - though most of the blue down arrows seem to have faded away.
Field observations regarding streams:
  • Each stream bubbles up from the ground from a particular location (marked with a blue up arrow) and sinks back into the ground at a separate location (marked with a blue down arrow).
  • No stream ends to the West of where it begins.
  • Streams only flow in the eight compass directions (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, and NW)
  • Almost every stream changes direction, once, at a particular point in that particular stream. (Note: for almost every stream, you should be able to determine the course without reference to the map)
  • Every stream crosses at least one other stream; most streams cross two other streams.
Answer: _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _