The River

Outside the temple complex stands eleven monuments. The monuments display unusual carvings, though some are too faded to read. They are separated by deep gullies which can only be crossed by rope bridges; each bridge connects a pair of monuments in a sensible manner. A river winds its way through the gullies, under the bridges.
Another expedition has been here before, and left some notes, though they seem pretty baffling:
Mr. Finch had the right idea. First find a cobbler for a decent pair of boots. Then hire the right scout.
The guy’s been in a scrape or two. He could wrap up this problem in a bow. He also recommended I go
see Dale. Supposedly he’s a chip off the old block. Yeah, I know that’s a bit hard to swallow... But he’s
not one to mince words. Really, it’s not 3-D chess.
For obvious reasons, you’d better be careful crossing those bridges!

Answer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _